Monday 16 June 2014


Happy birthday boo! Sorry cause makes the surprise. Earlier from the actual date. Drove to malacca without informing you. Well, surprise kot. Haha. I hope you happy with your birthday celebration even just a simple occasion. Thank you to our buddy and your housemates cause planning together prank you and celebrate it. They were awesome and sporting! Sorry cause there's no present. Hey, I'm your gift. Mihmih. Today, I'm glad that you being with me. If only one day we're not being together, I want you to know that I won't regret anything that I do for you. In fact we're still friend. Hehe if you insist to stay as a friend lah. If only laa cerita dia. You wanna know what? I also macam tak percaya that we've been through all together and go as this far. I love the journey and wanna see the next in future.  Haha, so on today's post I wanna give some speech. Eh tadi just intro. Hihi

Happy 22nd birthday.
Stay fit and healthy.
Hope everything goes as you wish.
Be mature in action and thoughts.
Stay humble and remember Allah always.
Keep the magic words spoken
Focus on what you're doing.
Take care!

#mhyturns22 #166 #Hermes

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