Tuesday, 31 December 2013

New year's eve.

2013 : off to Mars

                                                                                        Hello 2014!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Monday, 23 December 2013

Miss you

I miss your tan skin

Your sweet smile

So good to me

So right

Monday, 9 December 2013

the day.

"The day that I decided to let you go is when I realised that you stop fighting for us anymore like you always did everytime we had to face the bullshit. Is it me giving up or you tired being with me?"

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Did you ever felt that you missed someone very much?
Someone that you didn't talk with them anymore.
Someone that very far far far away from you.
Someone that didn't even remember your face and even worst can't recall your name.
Someone that ever makes you happy.
Someone that you always rely on.
Someone that makes your day complete.
Someone that taught you a lot about life.
Someone that annoys and irritates you.
Someone that had arguments with you.
Someone that never gives up on you.
Someone that spent their times with you.
Someone that sees you cry.
Someone that gives you hopes.
Someone that lend their shoulder.
Someone that walks with you.
Someone that gives you so much memories.
Someone that you love and miss isn't exist anymore.