Monday, 27 August 2012

Daddy is Ayah

hello :) sorry lama xupdate blog. you know right that this blog is not my priority? hihi.
okay today i nk story sikit. sikit je. huuu. while doing my assignment esok nak present ni. haha. i teringat eda *my lil sister did post on her fb that she still weak because she still new dalam belajar course akauntasi. huu. but i did support her. she must be like my dad. super duper accountant :) i knew she can. i know her credibility. huuuu

so this is the extract. hehe. mok sorry laa i snipping without your permission. hiiii
and just know i remember 1 tragedi yang mana ayah in trouble just because of me n eda.
*flashback* it happen when im 5 or 6 years that time. and eda 3 o 4 years that time. masa tu ayah nak keluar jumpa kawan dia. i nak ikot. berkeras nk ikot. yelah budak kecik pantang nampak ayah dia start kereta kan. lagipun ayah selalu busy and we have time together only on weekend. tragedi ni belaku weekend laa. i ingat lagi ayah kata xpayah ikot. tapi nk ikot jugak. so ikot jugak dgn eda ni.

then, masa otw kat jalan. i duduk kat seat belakang. tiba2 praaakkkkk! kaca berderai sampai kena belakang. mmg kitorang terduduk jatuh kat bwh. luckily xada pape. tgn aku ni pun gatal pi alihkan2 kan kaca cermin sbb nak duduk. ehh bengongnya aku! then jari luka. tiba2 ayah patah balik rumah. he said muka dia panas. then when we arrived home. my mom terkejut with her lover's condition n she started to cry. my mom sgt sensitive. i pun xfhm n blur2 kan. then tgok ayah. Ayahhhhhh! kaca2 cermin tu pecah kena muka ayah n berdarah teruk. u can imagine rite? how suffer him is. then baju ayah putih penuh darah. n til now i terfikir kenapa ayah xtgk cermin yg muka ayah dah berdarah? atau ayah xnk kitorang ape2 n x fikir pasal diri sendiri n fikir keselamatan kami. ayahhhhh. i love youuu *crying* 

this accident happen cause kereta dari selekoh keluar suka hati dia mcm xbelajar undang2 jalan raya n bamm my dad's side mirror n side mirror pth melantun pecah kena cermin tingkap. see. mesti hentakan kuat. n kurang ajanye orang tu lari. Grrrrrr. and muka ayah yang licin halus mulus dah x licin sbb kaca2 cermin tu. but you still my handsome daddy, ayah. so plese bear in mind drive carefully ok :)


ini dia ayah n 5 anak daranya. eya xada dlm gambar.

sorry for typo n my bad.
wewe dean