EVENT : PSK12 BIKE FEST (in conjunction with KLIAF) DATES : 27th, 28th & 29th of April 2012 TIME : 10:00am - 12:30 mid LOCATION : Mines MIECC, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia PRESENTED BY: ========= - MUSC Motorsports EVENT PARTNERS: =========== - International Professional Trade Organizer (IMK) - Persatuan Vespa Wilayah Persekutuan (PVWP) - TS Racing Team ENTRY FREE - RM30/PERSON (Valid for 3-Days) ========================== - Receive Official PSK12 Participant Tag - Receive Official PSK12 Tee Shirt - Receive Official PSK12 Sticker - Receive Accommodation Tag (in-door hall, with air-cond) - Receive Pack of Food & Beverage (upon arrival) - Receive Tag for Bike Autoshow Competition (free) - Receive Tag for Sprint-Test (discount voucher worth RM30) - Receive Lucky Draw number 1. DRAG RACE / SPRINT-TEST (1/16 miles) ========================== A. CLASSES OF RACE: - Class A - Vespa <150cc (Std Body) - Class B - Vespa <200cc (Std Body) - Class C - Vespa / Lambretta (Open) - Class D - V100 (Open) - Class E - Scooped Std Body (Ego / Nuovo) - Class F - Scooped Open (Ego / Nuovo) - Class G - VS<150cc (Std Body) - Class H - VS/Gilera<200cc (Open) B. REGISTRATION FEE: - RM70.00 cash + RM30 your discount voucher C. PRIZES FOR WINNERS: - 1st RM700.00 + Trophy + Goodies - 2nd RM400.00 + Trophy + Goodies - 3rd RM250.00 + Trophy + Goodies - 4th RM150.00 + Trophy + Goodies 2.BIKE AUTOSHOW COMPETITION (IN-DOOR) ========================== A.CLASSES: Class A - Air-Brushing (Open) Class B - Custom Sticker/Paint (Open) Class C - Extreme Accessories (Scooter & Cub) Class D - Yamaha LC Open Class E - Yamaha Lagenda Open Class F - Vespa Classic Class G - Vespa Standard - Super Class H - Vespa Standard - PS/PX Class I - Vespa Modified Class J - Lambretta Standard Class K - Lambretta Extreme (Modified / Mods) Class L - Honda Classic Standard Class M - Honda Classic Extreme (Modified) Class N - British Classic Standard Class O - British Classic Extreme (Modified) Class P - Retro Bikes <150cc Class Q - Retro Bikes >151cc Class R - Chopper Bikes Standard Class S - Chopper Bikes Extreme (Custom-Made) Class T - Scrambler Sporty Look Class U - Kawasaki KSR Open B. REGISTRATION FEE: - RM0.00 (just present your PSK12 official participant tag) C. PRIZES FOR WINNERS:- - 1st RM250.00 + Trophies + Goodies - 2nd RM150.00 + Trophies + Goodies - 3rd RM100.00 + Trophies + Goodies - 4th to 6th Medal 3. LIVE PSK12 INDIE WOODSTOCK (OUT DOOR): ========================== - 30 over bands line up from all kinda musics genre A. DAY 1 - Saturday - 28 Apr 2012 1. The Sircuse 2. The Rootstalk 3. Brain Jelly 4. Homerun 5. Whales 6. Final Chapter 7. Anthena 8. Spritz 9. The Alif 10. Kill My Bride 11. Miss Fortune Befalls 12. Dead Cities 13. Prognosis Death B. DAY 2 -Sunday - 29 Apr 2012 1. Roots N Boots 2. Couple 3. Skudap Skudip 4. Grey Sky Morning 5. Coca D Monday 6. The Nationhead 7. Moda Moody 8. Zipziller 9. The Everyday 10. Orkeska 11. Julies Goes Overysea 12. Secretypes 13. Carbon 4Teen 14. Bliz 4. OTHER ACTIVITIES (IN-DOOR): ==================== - Sponsors Product Promotions - Naza Bikers 2 Wheel Events - WaKaKa Entertainment Show - Demo live Air-Brush / Tattoo Air-Brush - International Artist Performer - Local Artist Performer - Cat Walk Runway Models - Beat Box Competition - Hip Hop 4 x 4 Competition - Shuffle Dancing Competition - Michael Jackson & Elvis Presly Show - Safety Talk & Defensive Driving Class - Super Car & Sports Car Display Show - Super Boat Display Show - Vintage Car & Classic Car Display Show - 4 x 4 Display Demo Show - Moto GP Moto Bike Display - Formula 3 Car Display & Demo Show - Formula Car Competition by UKM - Simulator Games Competition - Cheer Leader & Pole Dance Show - Charity Car Wash 5. OTHER ACTIVITIES (OUT-DOOR): ====================== - Car Drag Race Demo - Bike Stunt Show / Competition - Vespa Slow Riding / Push Start Competition - Hot Air Ballon Free Ride - Racing Drift Team Show - Gymkhana Demo Show - Rally Car Demo Show - Split Fire & Flame Thrower Car Demo Show - Go Kart Ride - Racing Powerboat Demo Show - Naza Dreams Jet Ski Display - RC Drift Competition - RC Helicopter & Speed Boat Demo Show 6. PROGRAM SCHEDULE: =============== - updating in progress, please come back.. To follow updates pls visit:- http://www.facebook.com/ p/s; see you there! :) |
Friday, 30 March 2012
PSK '12
KK national scooter rally
be there be square!
Hi, promote this event to those who love scooter vespa or lambretta
or the maniac will know every April must have this event at Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
this event will be held on 21st April 2012.
normally the events will takes 3 days as usual.
telling you that he will be participate and i will be forever alone for 2 or 3 days i guess.
kbye :)
Thursday, 29 March 2012
wahai hati
kau kuat kan wahai hati? bersabarlah wahai hati. akan kupelukmu sentiasa wahai hati. wahai hati, kenapa kau perlu rasa kesakitan ini? maafkan aku wahai hati kerana aku tidak menjagamu dengan berhati2, aku alpa denganmu wahai hati. aku seronok dengan keasyikan dunia tanpa rehat, sedangkan kau wahai hati inginkan perhatian dari aku kan wahai hati? aku lemah wahai hati. tetapi kau tetap dengan aku wahai hati, terima kasih atas kesetian ini wahai hati. aku amat menghargaimu wahai hati. wahai hati kau tahu rahsia ku. aku tidak dapat selindung resah, sedih aku. tp bila aku gembira wahai hati. aku tidak memandangmu sedikitpun. dan engkau wahai hati sentiasa teruja dengan kegembiraan aku walaupun aku tidak berkongsi berita ini. maafkan aku wahai hati. aku terlalu mementingkan diri aku wahai hati tanpa memikirkan perasaan mu wahai hati. wahai hati. tenanglah dikau. akan ku balut luka parutmu walaupun engkau tahu tiada upaya akan sembuh luka parut itu. hidupmu bersamaku wahai hati.
Saturday, 24 March 2012
Last Paper (payyperr)
itu bukan tangan aku sebab kering macam orang tua. hahahhahahah.
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
I found it!
Assalamualaikum :) just now baru dinner dengan Chenta Haty makan kat Afnan Seafood dekat Batu Belah. he treat me because esok i nak gerak Segamat dah nak prepare for final exam. he met me cause dia xsempat nak hantar kat terminal esok and he is busy with his work *kumpul duit nak kawin. hehehe. se busy2 dia, malam dia spend time jugak nak jumpa aku. tehehe. i love you buchukk :) so after makan, on the way balik borak2 laa mcm biasa kan then dia suruh ambik plastik kat seat belakang. then ambik aku xbukak tp selak jelah nampak lexus cheese. tahu2 je aku kekurangan makanan kat sana n malas makan. hahahaha. and he said that ada kismis dia dah bukak n makan sikit. i tanye kenapa makan? then dia jawab i bacakan yasin. actually i mmg pernah request macam tu n suruh dia pos kismis tu tp dia xbuat. alasan dia takut xsampai sebab dia pernah hantar 1 box besar kat Bell adik dia kat Terengganu tp xsampai n dipulang balik oleh pos. xtahu kenapa. alamat xlengkap kot? so sampai je rumah bukak plastik tengok kismis Sun maid. OMGGGGGGGGGG! and ada Hershey kisses! OMGGGGGGGGGG lagi. kenangan coklat masa mula2 kawan dulu. tapi masa tu bukan kisses tapi naughty. ada lagi x? susah kot nak cari. hehe. by the way i'm grateful to Allah coz I found a guy that really suited me and can bring me to Jannah InsyaAllah walaupun dia gila2 sikit. hehe. I sangat xsangka dia bacakan yassin kat kismis and recite doa for me untuk lancarkan perjalanan and for this upcoming final exam. and bg stok makanan sebab tahu aku ni macam mana. hehe. Ya Allah, i found a right guy :) hope this guy can guide me to your pathway. Amiiinnnnn :)
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Dinner D'Trans: Back To School
Hye all. sorryyyyy semua xupdate benda ni. sangat2 busy. Huhuhu. on 17 February 2012 D'Trans held the dinner at Dewan Sri Peria dan bertemakan Back To Scholllll. and theme dipilih oleh part 6 untuk meraikan part 6 :). Okay me, Waniy, Qita and Mira jadi adhock bahagian makanan bantu exco2 nad and Syida. Huhuhu.
dan meraikan one of our friend, Fahim naik jadi presiden D'Trans yang baru. Congrates kawan. semoga jadi presiden yang adil dan rajin bekerja :) okay enjoyyy :)))
dan meraikan one of our friend, Fahim naik jadi presiden D'Trans yang baru. Congrates kawan. semoga jadi presiden yang adil dan rajin bekerja :) okay enjoyyy :)))
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