bismilahhirahmanirahim. assalamualaikum readers :) it's been a long time that i'm not updating my blog. i'm sorry cause i have many priority as a students. cehhhhh! blogging is not that much important then my assignment. right?
hahaha. by the way. today i want to share with all of you about i'm going to Universal Singapore Studio!
ngeeee. okay first thing first i wanna thanks to Qita and Along cause invite me to go USS. we went with event tempat kerja Along. firstly, i mcm xtahu nak pergi ke x cause i nak balik masa cuti maulidur rasul plus thaipussam. then i tanya byk2 pihak. why have i to tolak peluang ni? kan? so i ckp dgn Qita i follow her. then i siap buat passport semua dgn girlfren puteri2 ni. thanks to Syida, Mira, Wani and Nad. :) teman berejam kat imigresen. huhuhu. then sorry semua xada souvenier. xkaya masa itu. HAHAHA. so i dont have thing to talk about. so enjoy this :)
Qita wanna buy some fruits? |
teropong apa yang ada kat USS |
there my castle yooo |
im in NY! |
castle |
muka penat. hihihi |
im here USS |
Qita and USS globe |
shrek's house |
that's all. sorry lambat update. :)