Thursday, 30 June 2011

Hello July !

Hye all . nk cepat niyh , hehe .
before month of June ends , i nk ucap Thank You a lot at June . 
HAHA .*Jadahh
my birtday coming ! Weeehoooo !
tp xcelebrate dgn fam for the second year coz xbalewkk . hUuuu~
haruu kan ? Btw t cutiw ceLeb . Hehe .
Owkay Dahhh :)

Wednesday, 29 June 2011


Hye all . Last sem i KO REKREASI . n diz sem KO TAEKWONDO . 
gelak awh . HAHAHA .
act kan . tgowk laa post2 yg dluw npew i masok taekwondo .
keyh , now nk story . hari ahad ariw uww . adew Taekwondo's Tournament at Labis . 
So budak2 Ko Taekwondo kene jadi urusetia . memg besh laa weyh !
jadi MC , Coach , urus budak , n mcm2 laa . 
nah pic . *i noe u all nk tgowk an ? Hehe .

skandal kat blakang . HAHA .

Saturday, 25 June 2011


Hye all , Jumaat adew gotng royong sektor B . that is where i live in . 
my collage :) Baiduri .
we all dpt mknn kuwl 12 . tp i xambk coz i dh bliw dluw . HAHA .
then , about pkul 2 bkumpul at pdg .
then my wing , 3C <----- Aras . dtugaskan bersihkan kawasan rumah RS (resident staff)
n wat laa kejew . kutip sampah , daun2 , bunga2 , n sanpping pic . HAHA .
then about pkul 4 naek bilik utk gotong royong bilik . 
ktorg xwat coz dh bersihh . juz buang2 sawang jew , ngEe .
Nahhh , some pic :)

Feyqa n komander2 , HAHA 

feyqa n Lya .

rajin kan ? pegang plastik :)

giliran i plak :)

kutip sampah pown sempat berposing . candid laa sbenarnya .

rajin sungguh i :)

penat sgt Qita niyh brgotong royong :)

Tadaaaaa ~ dh habes . thanks for watching :)


Hye all , hope sihat .
Nk story that last Thursday during Business Communication Class . everybody r needed to b performing their ability in presenting their topic in front and solo . HOHO .
So i get no 5 that is FACE TO FACE COMMUNICATION ,
so i searching the internet about that topic n make the slide .
then we r compulsory to wear formal attire . so i wore it . 
In red wohhh ! make me felt the spirit .
i felt nervous act . HAHA .
Then i spoke n presented it .
And its done . Ngee . see my pic :)


Formal attire

adore this 1

this 1 candid

End of chap . Ngee .
Thanks for watching :)

Monday, 20 June 2011

Shopping at JB :)

hye all . nk story diz week g umaa Qita plak at JB .
huwhuw .
act . mls nk typing plak weyy .
uhmm . owkay we all around JB Rock City !
Then shopping2 .
haaaa~ Then wat spa ikan . besh . geli2 jew kaki .
haha . text Chenta Haty ckp at dia i wat spa ikan . dia ckp spa ikan dh diharamkan . majlis fatwa yg hrmkan . i tyew cbb apew . dia ckp xtwu . so i igt dia tpuu .
then mlm tgh dinner g story mory . Mama Qita ckp mmg betol dh dhramkn coz air ikan kotor then ikan tuw dh mkn kudis2 owg then gegewt kaki kita .
Eyuuurrrwwwhhhh ! tatowt i . xnk wat ag . nah laa tgowk pic . mlash nk type ag . HAHA .

Pengajaran : janganlan kita wat spa ikan lagi owkay ? HAHA .

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Feyqa's Home

Hye all , owkay .
nk story yg weekend i n Qita g rumah Feyqa at Malacca . we all nk shopping . Hehe .
we all gerawk jumaat malam around 10 something . Papa Feyqa fetch with his driver . WOW
Then we arrive her home then minom2 n watching tv then before tido we all snapping pic (sorry , cant show off)
saturday morning i terbangon coz terhidu baw kuah spageti . HAHA .
then bekfez together . about pukul 3 gerawk g MP n DP .
shopping like crazy . xnk gtwu bliw apEw . HAHA .
Haaa~ nk cerita yg we all lepak at padang uww . Hehe . sukaa :)
Then balik rumah about pkul 1 . hehe . tyme uww Lepak at Mc D Hang Tuah with boys . *i mean member owkay . Then sampai rumahh try2 semua n tido . HAHA .
Ahad g mkn at COCONUT SHAKE . feymes wohh tmpay uww . rmay yg dtg . berator nk order mcm apew . cari place pown lame .
owkay , i x minom air klape . so coconut shake uww mcm aice-krim n ice blended . i mkn aiskrimnyew jew .
Hehe , mkn nasi lemak n kueh2 . awesome ! eyh . kdai uww masok jln2 cari mkn tAw .
Ngee . Then ptg we all lepak Pntai Bidara .
Rase mcm nk mandi at swimming pool jew wohh :)
Then gerawk balik UiTM SEGAMAT pukul 11 kowt . Hehe .
Papa n Mama Feyqa hantar . Nah . some pic .